Devi Sri Prasad is an Indian Music Composer and Director, Choreographer, Singer and Lyricist. Devi Sri Prasad was born on 2nd August 1979 at Vedurupaka, East Godavari Dist, Andhra Pradesh and his real age is 41 years 1 months .
Current Age : 45 years, 6 months, 24 days
It Covers more details about Devi Sri Prasad’s Age, Career, Caste, Affairs, Marital Status, Father, Mother, Family, Kids, Affair, Girlfriends, Wife, Siblings, Net Worth, Facts, Occupation, Education, Awards, Photos, Videos, Gossips, News, Career, Serial / Movies List, Wiki, Biography, Height, Weight, Body Size and Measurements & More.
Name |
Devi Sri Prasad |
Original Name |
Devi Sri Prasad |
Used / Nick Name |
NA |
Sex |
Male |
Nationality |
Indian |
Profession |
Music Composer and Director, Choreographer, Singer, Performer and Lyricist |
Origin |
NA |
Age, Dob, Birthplace, zodiac, star sign
Date Of Birth (DOB) |
— 08/02/1979 (M/D/Y) |
Place Of Birth |
Vedurupaka, East Godavari Dist, Andhra Pradesh |
Zodiac Sign |
NA |
Star Sign |
NA |
Personality, Physical Appearance
Type Of Body |
Slim |
Body Size and Measurements |
NA |
Zero Size |
NA |
Height |
5 feet 5 inches / 165 Centimeters |
Weight |
70 kg / 154.35 lbs |
Father / Mother, Family Details
Father Name |
NA |
Mother Name |
NA |
No. Of. Brothers |
1 |
No. Of. Sisters |
1 |
Brother(s) |
Sagar |
Sister(s) |
Padmini Priya Sagar |
Education, Qualification
Name Of School |
NA |
Name Of College |
NA |
Qualification |
NA |