Sithara is an Malayalam Language Indian soap drama television series, which premiered on 18th October 2016 on Surya TV at 5:30PM (Monday to Friday). The show is produced by Rashmi Sharma and stars Keerti Gaekwad Kelkar and Varun Sharma in lead roles. Sithara has been Original in Hindi as Sasural Simar Ka and is broadcast on Colors TV.
Current Age : 36 years, 2 months, 22 days
Here you will find more details about Sithara’s Age, Work, Family, Net Worth, Facts, Occupation, Education, Awards, Photos, Videos, Gossips, News, Career, Serial / Movies List, New, Wiki, Biography & More.
Name |
NA |
Original Name |
NA |
Used / Nick Name |
NA |
Sex |
Female |
Nationality |
Indian |
Profession |
NA |
Origin |
NA |
Age, Dob, Birthplace, zodiac, star sign
Date Of Birth (DOB) |
— NA |
Place Of Birth |
NA |
Zodiac Sign |
NA |
Star Sign |
NA |
Personality, Physical Appearance
Type Of Body |
NA |
Body Size and Measurements |
NA |
Zero Size |
NA |
Height |
NA |
Weight |
NA |
Father / Mother, Family Details
Father Name |
Yet to update |
Mother Name |
Yet to update |
No. Of. Brothers |
NA |
No. Of. Sisters |
NA |
Brother(s) |
Yet to update |
Sister(s) |
Yet to update |
Education, Qualification
Name Of School |
Not Known |
Name Of College |
Not Known |
Qualification of Aditya Narayan |
Not Known |