Deepika Das is a Indian Actress. Deepika Das was born on February 23, 1992 at Bangalore, Karnataka. Deepika Das hails from Bangalore, Karnataka, religion belongs to is Hindu and nationality, Indian. Deepika Das is notable celebrity among Kannada Television Actors, Tamil Television Actors, also famous for Rangan Style.
Current Age : 32 years, 12 months, 1 days
Here you will find more details about Swathi Naidu’s Age, Work, Family, Net Worth, Facts, Occupation, Education, Awards, Photos, Videos, Gossips, News, Career, Serial / Movies List, New, Wiki, Biography & More.
Name |
Deepika Das |
Original Name |
Deepika |
Used / Nick Name |
NA |
Sex |
Female |
Nationality |
Indian |
Profession |
Film and Television Actress, Model |
Origin |
NA |
Age, Dob, Birthplace, zodiac, star sign
Date Of Birth (DOB) |
— 02/23/1992 (M/D/Y) |
Place Of Birth |
Bangalore, Karnataka |
Zodiac Sign |
NA |
Star Sign |
NA |
Personality, Physical Appearance
Type Of Body |
Slim |
Body Size and Measurements |
NA |
Zero Size |
NA |
Height |
5 feet 3 inches / 160 Centimeters |
Weight |
54 kg / 119.07 lbs |
Father / Mother, Family Details
Father Name |
NA |
Mother Name |
NA |
No. Of. Brothers |
NA |
No. Of. Sisters |
NA |
Brother(s) |
NA |
Sister(s) |
NA |
Education, Qualification
Name Of School |
NA |
Name Of College |
NA |
Qualification of Aditya Narayan |
Under Graduate |
Jothi Alias Kothi Raj, Doodh Sagar, Kanji Pinji, Ee Manase, SAIVA a Journey to the Supreme, Siddhartha